It is a proven thing that the Cow dung has a significant anti-radiation property.
And we were told that Russians are far ahead than any other country in this regard on researching into many of our traditional aspects. (such as smearing the floor and interiors of a house with the cow dung, sprinkling cow dung water in front of the house etc.)
Also it is said they have gone to the extent of incorporating a layer of Cow dung (in-between two layers of metal) in the Space shuttles to protect the cosmonauts from the harmful cosmic radiations.
The same property (anti-radiation) of the cow dung has been proved during the Chernobyl nuclear catastrophe, where the performance of Agnihotra using this Cow dung and Cow ghee was effective enough to completely eliminate the nuclear radation effect.
And the same effect was observed with chemical catastrophe during the Bhopal tragedy.
“Ayurvedic herbs and treatments in removing radioactive toxins from the body”
Clinical trials have shown Ayurvedic Herbs like:
Triphala (Combination of three herbs):
Haritaki –Terminalis Chebula
Amalaki - Emblica Officinalis
Vibhitaki - Terminalis Billerica
Manjishtha – Rubia Cordifolia
Ashwagandha – Withania Somnifera are useful in removing the radioactive toxins from the body.
Ayurvedic treatments such as Panchakarma and rejuvenation treatments extensively use these herbs and have shown post Chernobyl Nuclear Accident in former Soviet Union, which have helped many people in reducing radio active toxins from the body.
Similarly we have many such instances with adequate scientific references, worth quoting here, which prove the same thing again and again.
Anyhow, if Japanese Govt considers it favorably it would help millions of people who may suffer from the radiation hazard of the present crisis.
It is a proven thing that the Cow dung has a significant anti-radiation property.
And we were told that Russians are far ahead than any other country in this regard on researching into many of our traditional aspects. (such as smearing the floor and interiors of a house with the cow dung, sprinkling cow dung water in front of the house etc.)
Also it is said they have gone to the extent of incorporating a layer of Cow dung (in-between two layers of metal) in the Space shuttles to protect the cosmonauts from the harmful cosmic radiations.
The same property (anti-radiation) of the cow dung has been proved during the Chernobyl nuclear catastrophe, where the performance of Agnihotra using this Cow dung and Cow ghee was effective enough to completely eliminate the nuclear radation effect.
And the same effect was observed with chemical catastrophe during the Bhopal tragedy.
“Ayurvedic herbs and treatments in removing radioactive toxins from the body”
Clinical trials have shown Ayurvedic Herbs like:
Triphala (Combination of three herbs):
Haritaki –Terminalis Chebula
Amalaki - Emblica Officinalis
Vibhitaki - Terminalis Billerica
Manjishtha – Rubia Cordifolia
Ashwagandha – Withania Somnifera are useful in removing the radioactive toxins from the body.
Ayurvedic treatments such as Panchakarma and rejuvenation treatments extensively use these herbs and have shown post Chernobyl Nuclear Accident in former Soviet Union, which have helped many people in reducing radio active toxins from the body.
Similarly we have many such instances with adequate scientific references, worth quoting here, which prove the same thing again and again.
Anyhow, if Japanese Govt considers it favorably it would help millions of people who may suffer from the radiation hazard of the present crisis.
Posted by 琉球アーユルヴェーダ at 11:11│Comments(0)